Whether you believe in the death penalty or not here is yet another lost opportunity ($51 million) that the Florida legislators missed in their blind zeal to balance the budget. They would much rather show us how “macho” they are by killing someone rather than using that money to help sick children or the mentally ill. Add the $51 million to the $350 million for prison beds and you can see just how concerned they are about people in need.
FLORIDA EXECUTION: Florida’s next execution is scheduled for July 1st. With almost 400 people in our Death House, Florida has the second largest Death Row in the U.S. For a complete list, see:
http://www.dc.state.fl.us/activeinmates/deathrowroster.asp. While Floridians spend an estimated $51 million a year to retain our Death Penalty system above the cost of permanent incarceration, victims’ services are being cut-back, crime prevention programs are being disbanded and thousands of murders and violent crimes remain unsolved. For a growing number of Floridians, the fight to end executions is not about partisanship…it is about priorities.
FMI: Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Take Action Now: Write Gov. Crist and Florida’s Attorney General to express your strong opposition to lifting Florida’s moratorium on executions.
Office of Governor Charlie Crist
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Email the Governor
Executive Office of the Governor Switchboard: (850) 488-7146
Office of Attorney General Bill McCollum
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
E-mail: [email protected]
Switchboard: (850) 414-3300