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Civic Participation and PoliticsCriminal Justice Radio

SOA Watch

Guest: Eric Lecompte and Clare Hanrahan The recent torture in Iraqi prisons was not an isolated incident executed by a few “bad eggs”. The US Army has been training these torture tactics for more than 50 years! Hear more about ...
Children/FamiliesCriminal Justice Radio


Guest: Big Brothers & Big Sisters You don’t have to be a saint in training to be a good volunteer mentor and positively impact a child’s life. With so many single parent homes, due to failed relationships, death or incarceration, ...
Criminal Justice RadioHealth/Wellness


Guest: Thomas Lister Knowingly exposing another to HIV/AIDS can land you in prison! Non-disclosure of HIV status is leading to infecting 40,000 Americans each year. Sixty percent are girls under 19 and 11% are heterosexuals over 50. Education can prevent ...