Audio Archives

Civic Participation and PoliticsCriminal Justice Radio

Patriot Act

Guest: Mike Pheneger How free are we as Americans? Does our government have the right to demand information and records kept about your library loan choices, your health, or which groups you belong to? Does the FBI have the right ...
Criminal Justice RadioDrug War

Spouses with Untreated Pain

Guests: Siobhan Reynolds and Linda Paey Imagine if your spouse develops unbearable pain as a result of a catastrophic injury, illness, or congenital disorder. Imagine his doctor says he’s an addict because he asks for more pain medication. Imagine your ...
Criminal Justice RadioDealing with the System

Raw Law

Guest: Muhammad Bashir Attorney Muhammad Bashir, author of RAW LAW: A Hip-Hop Guide To Criminal Justice, explains the law in plain terms. He tells us what to be sure not to say if ever arrested, and what not to do ...