Audio Archives

Civic Participation and PoliticsCriminal Justice Radio

Florida’s Sales Tax Code Revisions

Guest: John McKayFlorida’s sales tax code hasn’t been reviewed since 1949. It may have worked well then, but needs reform to meet the needs of a growing and dynamic Florida. Special interest groups have successfully avoided tax on the sales ...
Children/FamiliesCriminal Justice Radio

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Guest: Janet Goree Babies cry. How well do caregivers cope? Consider that Shaken Baby Syndrome is the leading cause of death by abuse to children. Do you have an agreement with all the people who come in contact with your ...
Criminal Justice RadioMental Health/Substance Abuse


Guest: Ann Kelley, Ph.D. Depression affect millions of Americans. Are you one of them or do you know someone who is? Learn how common depression is, how it affects men and women differently, how to recognize the signs and symptoms ...