Opportunities for Free Therapy for Children through Research Studies

Children ages 4 to 12 who have experienced trauma may be eligible to receive trauma-focused therapy through a research study.
Directions for Living Study
Examples of trauma:
- Death of someone close
- Serious accidents, such as car wrecks
- Sexual or Physical abuse
- Domestic violence
- Seeing someone get hurt really badly
- Serious illness or very frightening medical experiences
- Being involved in a crime
- Disasters
All children in this study will receive therapy. Compensation will be provided for completing assessments. Assessment Times: before (3 hrs), during (2 hrs), after therapy (2 hrs), and 6 mo (2 hrs) and 12 mo (2 hrs).
Contact Directions for Living in Pinellas County at 727-547-4566 ext.4403
*This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Alison Salloum, University of South Florida, School of Social Work. IRB# (Pro00022129).
Stepped Care For Children After Trauma
If your child is between the ages of 4 to 12 and has experienced a trauma, he or she may qualify to receive therapy through a research study. The purpose of this research study is to develop and test a child trauma treatment that’s easy to manage for parents and kids while being effective in helping your child.
These types of traumatic events may cause children to have posttraumatic stress symptoms such as:
- Irritable, angry and has temper tantrums
- Difficulty sleeping and/or nightmares
- Stomach aches and/or headaches
- More aggressive (fighting, hitting, biting, shoving)
- Looks less happy and is less loving
- Plays less than before
- More jumpy and scared
- Gets very upset if something happens that reminds them of the trauma
All children in this study will receive therapy. Compensation will be provided for completing assessments. Parents and children from any state or county may participate.
In Hillsborough County call the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay at 813-264-9955
In Pinellas County call the University of South Florida St. Petersburg Family Study Center at 727-767-4603